This year marks the 35th anniversary of the First Serbian Symposium on Applied Electrostatics – ПЕС, held at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš in 1984. The founder, chairman, and a devoted organizer of ПЕС Conferences until 2004 was professor Dragutin Veličković. ПЕС became an International Symposium in 1990. In 2001, Conference changed its name to the International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – ПЕС, starting to be organized biennially. Next five conferences have been organized by joint efforts of the Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany), Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria) and University of Niš (Serbia). Universities from Ilmenau and Sofia, together with Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak (ex Technical Faculty) – University of Kragujevac and Faculty of Occupational Safety – University of Niš, have been always strongly supported the Conference either as co-organizers or as institutions with large number of participants.
According to the 35 years of tradition, in this edition we have tried to offer you an informative conference and stimulating peer reviewed technical program that discusses the current and future developments in various areas of applied electromagnetics.